The worship of God is our greatest calling. Our Creator desires a relationship with all of us through his wonderful Son, Jesus Christ.
Sunday School is a vital component of the St. James Church as our Sunday School Superintendent and teachers work to provide a systematic way for teaching God’s Word.
Classes and activities are structured to reach all age levels–providing opportunities to educate, develop and interact as students study God’s principles.
The St. James Family welcomes everyone to come participate in Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10:15 a.m.–a time of interaction and learning.
Welcomes Everyone
To Our
Sunday Morning Worship Service
May Your Soul Be Spiritually Blessed As We Worship God In Spirit And In Truth.
Prayer & Bible Band is a wonderful time for families to fellowship together on Wednesday evenings. The fellowship begins at 6:30 p.m. with members kneeling on the altar in prayer. Prayer & Bible Band is a structured approach, with weekly lessons/topics, to reading, studying, and understanding God’s Word.
Join the St. James Family for an evening of Prayer and Bible Band/Bible Study.