HISTORICAL MOMENTS Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. welcoming President Jimmy Carter to Memphis Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr., Dick Gregory and Roberta Flack Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. presents Reverend Jesse Jackson to delegates to the Holy Convocation Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. meets with Dr. T. Zimmerman former General Superintendent Assemblies of God Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. is received by Prime Minister Shimon Peres at the Kenesset in Jersualem Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. meets President Ronald Reagan at the White House State Dinner Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. meets with The Honorable Tip O’Neil Speaker of The House of Representatives, and Congressman Harold Ford Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.) Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.) Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.) Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.) Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.) Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.) Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.) Historical Moments of COGIC(Photos courtesy of SJOMIN. Please do not use without permission.)